„Although the story of Deadly Premonition 2 is set nine years after the original game, this sequel takes on the form of a “pre-sequel” as players will jump into the memories of 2005 as told by the protagonist to relive the “incident five years before the Greenvale incident of the previous game.” As young FBI investigator Francis York Morgan, players will visit the peaceful rural town of Le Carre, New Orleans to investigate a strange serial murders case.ĭeadly Premonition 2 features two heroines.

We are not discussing other platforms at this stage.” So Hidetaka Suehiro’s next game (he’s better known as Swery), as he is the writer and the director as well, will be a timed exclusive on the Switch. I loved the first game and quite enjoyed the missing as well so I hope swery's next project is better.Rising Star Games, the publisher, told PushSquare the following: „ Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise will be a Switch-exclusive at launch. Overall I'd say if you're a fan of the first game and you can get this on a sale it's worth checking out but it's ultimately a very mixed bag and a bit of a disappointment. The game ultimately feels quite padded out and the story sections can throw a lot of dialogue at you. There is a lack of enemy variety, the inventory system is a mess, the gunplay is fine, the shooting sections drag out heavily, guns should just have infinite ammo as I ended up running out of bullets and punching enemies and even the final boss, melee fighting feels bad and there's no lock on, there are some long fetch questions or follow this person quests etc.

it feels like it's two generations behind. The sequel plays like a good xbox game but even so. In terms of gameplay I thought the first felt like an xbox game but seeing as it was released on xbox 360, just one generation later, that wasn't so bad. Visually I quite like the art style but the lack of lip synching and stiff animations mean this isn't a game you play because it's pretty. I found the game played well both docked and in handheld mode so if you're worried about technical trouble I don't think that's an issue anymore. After roughly 15 to 16 hours I had zero crashes and zero framerate drops. In terms of technical issues I experienced none so I think the game has been patched and runs much better now than it did at launch. I think the narrative is a bit weaker and becomes a little convoluted at points but it has a solid ending which helps make up for that. The sequel manages to keep a lot of that charm. The characters were full of charm in a twin peaks way which I really appreciated. I was a big fan of the first game and played through it twice. The characters were full of charm in a Deadly premonition 2 is a very odd game.